Dancing With Divination
The Tower
crashing slowly
like the wave on the nearby
shoreline, screaming the
siren song, politely asking
for a friend, lost in
the depths,
yearning for the Tower’s white light
Page of Cups
volume full blast
unable to tune it out
We've come full circle
toxic habits growing back stronger
like that blasted poison ivy,
refusing to be smothered.
Shut up
ignore it,
obsessing on the inescapable
just pretend everything is fine
it will be fine?
Eight of Swords
my lucky number
starting to feel cursed
suffocating, begging for
such a round, symmetrical number
feels uneven now
suffocating as the seventh
takes and takes
unwilling, perhaps unable
to change
needing to be
one of eight
the one who gets out
The Star
nothing to do as
nothing can be changed
no excuse to accept less
stuck in the pool as
you continue to be poured out
beyond empty,
yearning to consume the flames of ambition
drink not what has been poured
rather, consume the flames of ambition
as you wish upon that shooting star
always a survivor
Nature wanting to snuff me out
again, and again and again
c-section, seizures, bone infection
predicted to amount to nothing
with my atypical behaviors.
less than nothing
as I failed to meet preordained milestones.
lucky to be able to be nothing
best case living in a group home.
living, thriving
chasing the impossible,
if for nothing else
pure spite

Grace Hunter - Graduate of UC Clermont, Grace is an avid reader of fiction who loves combining the fantastical with the occult by utilizing the tarot for thematic inspiration in her fiction and poetry.